The Town Council currently owns and maintains two cemetery sites – Drove Road Cemetery and Stratton Way Cemetery.

Drove Road Chapel
Stratton Way Cemetery
Drove Road Cemetery and Stratton Way Cemetery are open to members of the public at all times throughout the year.
Drove Road cemetery is closed for new burial and ashes interments.
Funerals can take place, by prior arrangement with the Town Council, between the hours of 10:00 and 15:00 (Monday to Thursday) and 10:00 to 14:00 on Fridays.
Please follow this link to our Burial Fees & Memorial Costs. It details the fees for purchasing a burial or cremation plot, the costs associated with interment. Payment will need to be made by cheque for this service (cheques to be made payable to Biggleswade Town Council (BTC). A card payment facility is available in the office.
You can also apply online to purchase a burial plot here.
Information for funeral directors
Key forms:
Online Application and Payment for a Burial or Cremation Interment
Interment of Cremated Remains Form
Burial and Memorial Regulations
Cheques will need to be made payable to Biggleswade Town Council.
Biggleswade Town Council does not prepare plots for interments. The preparation of plots for an interment will need to be organised by the funeral directors.
Information for memorial masons
Please click here to apply for a memorial permit and to make online payment. An application will need to be completed by a Memorial Mason and approved by the Town Council by way of a permit number before the memorial works can be undertaken.
Exclusive Rights of Burial
Only the owner of the exclusive rights of a burial plot can authorise a burial/ashes interment. Furthermore, only the owner of the exclusive rights of a burial plot can authorise any memorial works.
If the owner of a burial plot is deceased, then the exclusive rights of the plot will need to be transferred before any interment or memorial works can take place. Please find an informative document explaining how the exclusive rights of a burial plot can be transferred. To transfer the exclusive rights of a burial plot, please contact BTC, either by email at or by telephone on 01767 313134.
The owner(s) of the burial or cremation plot are responsible for the upkeep and maintenance of the memorial.
Do you wish to locate the burial plot of a relative?
The burial records of all interments at Drove Road Cemetery and Stratton Way Cemetery are held at the Town Council offices. Please contact us either by email at or by telephone on 01767 313134 if you wish to locate the burial plot of a relative.