Trains at Trinity 2022 Biggleswade

Looking for something fun to do? Saturday, 25th June 2022

Trains at Trinity are holding their bi-annual Model Train and Toy event with model railway layouts and displays from small scale to ‘G’ (Garden) scale, vintage toys including clockwork, demonstrations, trade stands, refreshments. *Note* – parking for blue badge holders only in church car park, some parking available off Shortmead Street (100yds from church – look for signs) or town car parks (eg Rose Lane or Dan Albone Rec) nearby, or come by train only 10-12 minute walk from Biggleswade station or bus (Market Square 3-5 mins). Level access throughout display area. All subject to availability.
Show opens at 10:30am with last admission at 4:00pm. Admission £5 ; Accompanied Children 5 – 15 £3 ; u5s free
Trinity Methodist Church, Shortmead Street, Biggleswade, Bedfordshire SG18 0AP
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