Town’s Civic Service 2022 ‘Taking Responsibility’

The Town’s Civic Service took place on 20th March 2022 at St. Andrew’s Church, led by the Mayor, Cllr. Madeline Russell.

The theme of the service was ‘Taking Responsibility’ and it was a celebration of all the community groups and voluntary organisations that make Biggleswade a good place to live. So many people give their time and energy in many different ways, to ‘oil the wheels,’ in contrast to some who just complain that ‘something isn’t being done.’

All the people at the service were taking responsibility – doing their bit – and the occasion was an opportunity to say, ‘thank you.’

The service was led by the Vicar, the Revd. Liz Oglesby-Elong, and the address was given by The Venerable Paul Hughes, Emeritus Archdeacon of Bedford. Music was provided by Biggleswade & District Choral Society and organist, Justin Waters.

For the Civic Service Order of Service 2022 click here.

Photography credit to June Essex 


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