Total number of staff earning over £50k per annum (based on full-time equivalent salary) = 3

Job Title: Town Clerk & Chief Executive (Head of Paid Service)

Salary band: SCP 55-62 (£70,385 – £84,214)

Number of staff responsible for: 23

Gross revenue budget held: £1,711,036

Corporate Management Team responsibilities: Peter Tarrant is the Town Clerk and Responsible Financial Officer for Biggleswade Town Council.

Job Title: Head of Governance & Strategic Partnerships

Salary band: SCP 44-51 (£52,752 – £62,323)

Number of staff responsible for: 5

Gross revenue budget held: No budgetary responsibility

Corporate Management Team responsibilities: Karim Hosseini is the Head of Governance & Strategic Partnerships for Biggleswade Town Council.

Job Title: Head of Finance & Deputy RFO

Salary band: SCP 44-51 (£52,752 – £62,323)

Number of staff responsible for: 2

Gross revenue budget held: £1,711,036

Corporate Management Team responsibilities: Ernest Bour is the Head of Finance & Deputy RFO for Biggleswade Town Council.

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