Biggleswade Town Council wish to hear your views on applying for a Public
Works Loan

6th June 2022 – 4th July 2022

In addition to transforming our playground provision, The Town Council are planning on investing in:

·An increased number of allotments
·Enhancing the towns leisure and recreation facilities
·Upgrading our CCTV provision, and
·Upgrading our cemeteries

Drove Road Cemetery Biggleswade
IMG 20210318 WA0000



The Council recognises that exposure to green spaces benefits individuals and communities, strengthens resilience and improves physical and mental wellbeing.


Members resolved to source this expenditure through a Public Works Loan. The Council will make every effort to avoid actual increases to the precept to fund these works through the ongoing cost and efficiency savings programme, revenue & income optimisation and through using funds allocated in 2022/23 for one-off revenue projects.

Kitelands Park 1




Subject to funding, the Town Council are aiming to begin re-development of Franklins Play Area in 2022/23. The new play area will include an exciting, new, state-of-the-art gym which will be accessible to all ages and abilities.

Additional work is planned over the next five years at up to fifteen further play areas in the town. Existing equipment will be re-purposed, new benches will be fitted, wooden sculptures will be created from felled trees and grounds will be relandscaped to ensure accessibility for all.

Franklins Park


Your opinion matters.

To voice your opinion, please use the following link:

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