Phase One of Kitelands Play Area Open

In December 2023, Tritax Symmetry allocated £57,700 of their Community Grant Funding for the improvement project of the Town Council’s Kitelands Recreation Ground.

Following the completion of phase one, 5 pieces of equipment, ranging from a set of flat swings to a roundabout (which enables access of a wheelchair) were installed at the park.

On Saturday, August 17th, Mr. Jonathan Dawes, Head of Planning at Tritax Symmetry, along with the Mayor and several Council Members and Officers, officially celebrated the completion of phase one of the improvement project.

Speaking at the event, Mr. Dawes expressed his gratitude to everyone in attendance and emphasised the company’s long-term commitment to investing in Biggleswade. As a logistics company, he noted their satisfaction in collaborating with the Town Council to contribute funds from their Community Grant Program. He also expressed hope that the community would greatly benefit from the investment made at Kitelands.

Kitelands board

Mayor Cllr Mark Foster thanked Mr Dawes for the contribution made by Tritax in helping to complete phase one of the restoration work being carried out at Kitelands Play Areas.

Councillor Foster highlighted that several projects are being undertaken across the town, with this being the first phase of the initiative at Kitelands.

The Mayor added that other play areas around the town also require attention, and Tritax’s contribution complements the ongoing efforts of the Council to address these needs.

Cllr Foster thanked members of the public who also attended the opening after which both he and Mr Jonathan Dawes officially declared the project completed.

Jo’s Ice Creams also came to the park for the event to the delight of the some of the younger (and older) residents of Biggleswade.

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