Step 1 of 5 20% Please complete this form to request a cancellation. Please let us know who is requesting the cancellation:First Name(Required)Last Name(Required)E-mail Address(Required) Telephone Number(Required) Which location would you like to cancel?(Required) Eagle Farm Road Stratton Way The Lakes Which pitch would you like to cancel?(Required) 80 x 50 yards (with posts) 60 x 40 yards 40 x 30 yards (no posts) Which pitch would you like to cancel?(Required) 100 x 60 yards (with posts) 60 x 40 yards (no posts) Which pitch would you like to cancel?(Required) 98 x 55 yards (with posts) Which date?(Required) DD slash MM slash YYYY What time?(Required)Select Time9AM9:30AM10AM10:30AM11AM11:30AM12PM12:30PM1PM1:30PM2PM2:30PM3PM3:30PM4PM4:30PM5PM5:30PM6PM6:30PM7PM7:30PM8PMReason for Cancellation(Required) Weather conditions Away match Sickness Not enough players Other Please let us know about the clubs and teams.Club and team details(Required)Team contact(Required)PhoneThis field is for validation purposes and should be left unchanged.