A 999/112 call must always be made whilst with the patient.  The reason for this is that the 999 operators will have immediate access to the location of the call, either directly from the landline or via GPS if a modern mobile. Always ask for an Ambulance.

The 999 operators will be able to tell you where your closest defibrillator is, together with the defibrillator cabinet access code.

Where to find defibrillators in Biggleswade

Century House Market Place, Biggleswade SG18 8UU (On the wall outside)

The Rose Pub, 75 High St,  Biggleswade SG18 0JH (Next to the Bar inside the pub)

Pictures of Lilly, 6 Hitchin St, Biggleswade SG18 8AX (On the wall outside)

Trinity Methodist Church, Shortmead St, Biggleswade SG18 0AP (On the wall at the rear of the Church, Chapelfields)

Biggleswade Fire Station, Chestnut Ave, Biggleswade SG18 0LL (On the wall outside)

Saxon Pool & Leisure Centre, Saxon Drive, Biggleswade SG18 8SU (A mobile unit inside the reception)

Biggleswade Railway Station, Station Rd, Biggleswade SG18 8AL (On the wall outside)

Orchard Community Centre, Biggleswade SG18 8SZ (Inside the Centre) 

Stratton Way Recreational Grounds, Changing Rooms,Biggleswade, SG18 0JH

Surfin Cafe’, Market Squre, Biggleswade, SG18 8AQ

Weatherley Centre Ltd
Eagle Farm Road, Biggleswade, SG18 8JH (Inside Hall only accessible during opening times)

What is a defibrillator

A defibrillator is a device that gives a high energy electric shock to the heart of someone who is in cardiac arrest. This high energy shock is called defibrillation, and it’s an essential part in trying to save the life of someone who’s in cardiac arrest.

A defibrillator may also be referred to as a defib, an AED (Automated External Defibrillator) or a PAD (Public Access Defibrillator).

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Using a defibrillator could save a life

Cardiac arrests can happen to anyone, at any time. The following steps give someone the best chance of survival. If you come across someone in cardiac arrest:

  1. Call 999
  2. Start CPR
  3. Ask someone to bring a defibrillator if there’s one nearby (if no one is available to get one, listen to the emergency operator for further instructions)
  4. Turn on the defibrillator and follow its instructions.

Watch a video on how to use a defibrillator.

Defibrillator activation process

Click here for the Defibrillator activation process.

Centry House 2

Century House Market Place

Biggleswade, SG18 8UU

Pictures of Lilly 1

Pictures of Lilly

Biggleswade, SG18 8AX

Trinity Methodist Church Defibrillator 150x150 2

Trinity Methodist Church

Biggleswade, SG18 0AP

Fire Station scaled 4

Biggleswade Fire Station

Biggleswade, SG18 0LL


Biggleswade Railway Station

Biggleswade, SG18 8AL


Orchard Community Centre

Biggleswade, SG18 8AL

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Stratton Way Recreation Ground, Changing Room Biggleswade, SG18 0NS

Defibrillator activation process leaflet

Activation leaflet 22 LR Page 1
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Activation leaflet 22 LR Page 3 1 scaled
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