Country Fayre 18th September 2021

This year’s Country Fayre at St Andrew’s Church will be from 10am to 3:30pm on Saturday 18 September. The theme: ‘Our Changing World’ which focuses on the issue of Climate Change.

The Fayre will support two charities: A Rocha which campaigns for climate action and justice; and Christian Aid which supports those around the world who suffer as a result of climate change. It is often those in impoverished countries who suffering most from droughts, cyclones, flooding and changes to the climate that lead to crop failures, hunger, famine.

The Fayre will have a wide range of stalls, sideshows and games as well as an all day Arena programme to keep you entertained. There will be an on the day raffle and the popular tea garden from last year. Come along and enjoy all the fun of the Fayre. There will also be an exhibition in church to support the focus on Climate change.

At St Andrew’s we spent time over Lent considering ‘Caring for Creation’ a Christian response to the crisis that is now evident globally. How can we make a difference? How can we influence and support change?

We are pleased to be associated with Biggleswade Town Council and to run this event at the start of the Great Big Green Week, and to associate with efforts of COP 26 plus other initiatives aimed at encouraging new policies, actions, in the world that will reduce the adverse effects of climate change worldwide.

St Andrew’s Country Fayre Team

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