Central Bedfordshire Job Opportunity with Community Catalysts

Helping people get their idea off the ground to support Better Care Locally.

Following a successful two-year partnership, we are delighted to confirm that a new three-year contract has been awarded to social enterprise, Community Catalysts.

The £375k grant funding to expand this creative initiative from 1 April 2022 has been agreed at the MTFP and will be used to fund two full-time catalysts. These individuals will continue the work to unlock the potential of local entrepreneurs in helping them to start up small businesses or community ventures designed to care for and support people in their local area.

Around 80  community micro-enterprise providers have been established over the past two years supporting around 400 people with adult social care needs in Central Bedfordshire.

Recruitment for the two community catalysts is now underway. If you are interested in learning more about our project you can visit Community micro-enterprise | Central Bedfordshire Council.


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