Agreed by Council at the Town Council Meeting held on 25/01/2022
The annual budget for 2022/2023 for Biggleswade Town Council outlines:
- Improvement of current council services especially in public realm
- Efficiency measures for 2022/23
- Investments in infrastructure projects
- Active maintenance of existing assets
The budget means an overall rise in Council Tax of 7.5%. The increase in council tax has not been an easy decision, however the increase from £1,289,691 to £1,424,171 resulting in a net increase of £134,480 is necessary to upgrade and maintain assets, as well as improve services to meet increasing demands.
The Council Tax increases for a Biggleswade Town resident living in a Band D property (which is the mid-point value on the range of council tax values) is:
- A weekly increase of £0.24 pence
- An annual increase of £12.64
BTC is investing in various Capital projects in the next 5 years to the tune of £1.09 million, with £425k being spent in 2022/23 financial year. Some of the major infrastructure projects which are earmarked for investments includes:
- Refurbishment and upgrade of all play areas
- Refurbishment of Cemeteries
- New plots for allotments
A cost reduction and efficiency review is underway to identify a minimum of £25k savings to bring the budget to a breakeven position.
A Council Tax support scheme for residents who may struggle to pay their council tax is available and information on how to access this service can be found at
BTC’s sets out its priorities and outcomes for the coming five years in its corporate aspirations, and the budget have taken this into account in ensuring that Biggleswade town maintains its position as one of the great places to live and work for both residents and visitors.