Biggleswade Business Forum concludes

Biggleswade Town Council and Central Bedfordshire Council hosted the first Biggleswade Business Forum on Monday, 7th October 2024.

Businesses, Council partners, and organisations from across the town and local area gathered at the Orchard Community Centre to discuss future plans for business in Biggleswade. Cranfield School of Management, Beds Chamber of Commerce, Wenta, the University of Bedfordshire and the Central Bedfordshire Council were amongst those who took part. 

The event featured various presentations on current and upcoming support and grants available to local businesses, including a speech from Town Council Deputy Mayor, Cllr Gary Barrett and local MP, Mr. Richard Fuller.

In his address to the audience, Cllr Barrett indicated that at the heart of a good strategy regarding local business involved knowing, where and who they are, what challenges and opportunities they face, the supply chain they are part of and how the local council and other bodies can support them.

He added that the Council wished to improve relations between businesses and the Council and to better understand the constraints each worked with.

During the panel discussion, representatives from the Town Council, the Federation of Small Businesses, Cranfield School of Management, and other stakeholders responded to questions from local businesses. Key issues raised included:

  • Support for new businesses in Biggleswade.
  • The potential benefits of sustainability for local businesses.
  • The need for renovating existing buildings into viable storefronts.
  • Upcoming deadlines for grants and funding schemes.
  • The current status of the Neighbourhood Plan and Local Plan.

Attendees also had the opportunity to network and collaborate on identifying challenges faced by local businesses, discussing how best to address them through available support.

Biggleswade Town Council and Central Bedfordshire Council extend their thanks to all attendees and presenters for their participation and look forward to welcoming them to future events.

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